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Event Planning

From GPLv3 Wiki

Revision as of 21:34, 14 August 2006; view current revision
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If you are planning an event related to GPLv3, please mention it here.


August 30th, Copenhagen, Denmark: "Do you know enough about GPLv3?"

Event webpage:

Ciaran O'Riordan will present the main changes in GPLv3 and will take questions.

August 23-24, Bangalore, India: 4th International GPLv3 Conference

Event webpage:

June 22-23, Barcelona, Spain: 3rd International GPLv3 conference

Event webpage:

May 12th, Milano, Italy: Giornata di studio sul TCPA

Event webpage:

Stefano Maffulli will illustrate the changes in GPLv3 in particular those that affect the Treachrous Computing and Digital Restrictions Management during the workshop on TCPA promoted by the University of Milan.

April 21-22, Porto Alegre, Brazil: 2nd International GPLv3 conference

The 2nd International GPLv3 conference took place in conjuction with the 7th International Free Software Forum, attended by over 4,000 people from around the world.

FSF's John Sullivan (user:johns) attended and wrote a short blog entry describing the experience.

Watch the GPLv3 A/V section for transcripts and video of the presentations as they become available.

March 18th, Torino, Italy: GPLv3 presented by Richard Stallman

Event webpage:

FSFE is coordinating the first conference on GPLv3 in Italy. Richard Stallman will give a speech at Politecnico di Torino, Aula Magna 'Giovanni Agnelli', Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24.

Streaming of the conference will be reachable from the Politecnico Streaming project.

February 10th, Bologna, Italy: Incontro al Master in Tecnologie del Software Libero

A partire dalle 18:30, presso la sede del Master:

ALMA Graduate School Villa Guastavillani Via degli Scalini, 18 40136 - Bologna

Questo appuntamento è parte di una serie di eventi e conferenze nazionali ed internazionali per il progetto GPLv3. Nelle prossime settimane saranno annunciati altri incontri.

January 16-17, Cambridge MA, USA: Launch / 1st International GPLv3 conference

Watch video and see pictures from the conference.