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Comment 2143: unilaterally-granted patent licenses/covenants?

Regarding the text: if you accept a patent license
In section: gpl3.libertyordeath.p0.s3
Submitted by: oliva on 2006-11-08 at 00:43 EST
0 agree:
noted by oliva on 2006-11-08 at 00:43 EST:

What if a third party arranges for me to get a patent license as a gift? What do I have to do to reject it? Or can't I reject it, so this clause would enable a patent holder to unilaterally entitle copyright holders to sue me for distributing their software?
noted by oliva on 2006-11-08 at 00:44 EST:

This is about the deal between Microsoft and Novell, in case it's not clear.

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