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Committee B Minutes / Conf Call 5 / 28 Mar 2006

by skp last modified 2006-04-24 15:04

Minutes for Committee B phone meeting 28 March 2006.

Discussion Committee B
Minutes for the phone meeting of 28 March 2006

Roll Call

Approved and published the minutes from the meeting 16 Mar 2006.

The bulk of the meeting was discussion focused on patent-related issues.

C2a (to be pulled out separately from C2):

The "special exception" provision includes "the implementation of which requires no patent license not already generally available for software under this License."


In section 6, "Distribution ... must be in a format that ... unencumbered by patents ..."
Appear to agree on intent in section 6. There appear to be several possible drafting strategies. Suggestions for ways to implement this in specific language are invited.


Phil will add a new item: Should section 16 include a disclaimer of warranty of non-infringement?


Second paragraph of section 2
This limitation on the private modification right is intended to be focused, possibly on enforcement against the modification. Another committee is also considering this issue.


Express patent license triggered by distribution rather than contribution.
FSF intent to go no narrower than US implied license.


Scope of express patent license.
This is not intended to cover new claims for code added by others. "reasonably contemplated" may not be needed.
Consider adding language that makes it clear that newly implemented claims not licensed.


There was only an introductory discussion on this topic. To be continued at next meeting.
Two subissues:

  • Limiting private peace-making like GPL2 section 7 - reportedly, this has been helpful.
  • Consider whether the 11, para 2 requirement ought apply to immediate distributees.

The Issues document will be (has now been) divided into separate per-issue documents.

Plan for next meeting:

  • Continue with C25.
  • The collection of issues relating to complete corresponding source code/scope/derivative works.


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